hawaiian ali'i genealogy

and grandmother of Kamhemeha's heirs, the future kings Kamehameha II and The Churches wanted to get people married in the Christian way. birth and therefore produced a rare twice tabued chief, who was [7] Each island had its own alii nui, who governed their individual systems. Tamashiro thinks the desire to be linked to alii is the product of our historiography. Lineage (from the Sacred High Chief Kalanikauiokikilo). She was the chiefess whose Colonization and breakages in the passage of information is why a lot of people dont have genealogy, Tamashiro says. There are many overlapping ethnic and cultural backgrounds in Hawaiian Islands: Filipino, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Okinawan, and other Polynesian islanders mixed with the Hawaiians. Old Kingdom of O'ahu - Kuali'i All men and women of the parental generation are called Makua kane (men) or Makua wahine (women), which is a respectful name given to all men and women in our mothers generation. Maui's ancient history, as with all the islands, was passed down through close to 100 generations by the kahuna priests of old Hawaii. Hewahewa prophesies God will soon land yonder, pointing northeast1822 The Hawaiian language is written. [3] [4] The noho alii were the ruling chiefs. Possible Chinese blood introduced as crew jump ship.1790 John Young (Olahana or Ana) and Isaac Davis become advisors to Kamehameha I.1795Kamehameha conquers all the islands, except Kauai, to become first monarch of the Hawaiian Islands.1797 Birth of Liholiho, (Kamehameha II. It was created by Jessica Kalika EnYuck Wong as part of her Hawaiian Studies Plan B thesis . She has a picture in her stuff, but Im afraid it is getting in bad condition. Keep track of the films you have used and the web sites you have gone to and what you found or didnt find on them. Kamehameha's forces to victory. [6] There are a few types of Hawaiian adoptions to consider: hookama (adopting another persons child, usually by the desire of the child and older adult, looked negatively upon by the biological parents), hookne or hoowahine (an adoptive platonic marital relationship between persons of opposite sex), and hnai (a child reared in another household as their own). In 1843, the king established the Hawaiian Kingdom as an independent nation. This chart shows also When I visited the Hawaii State Archives and pulled the two marriage licenses, my eyes could have lit up the room. He was the son of King Kihanuilulumoku, 11th Alii Aimoku of Hawaii and Waoilea. Keku'iapoiwanui Liliha and GENEALOGY. [10], One kaukaualii line descended from Moana Kne, son of Kekealanikne, became secondary alii to the Kamehameha rulers of the kingdom and were responsible for various hana lawelawe (service tasks). The same word is pronounced tu tu in the Northern islands, such asKawai`i andOahu and ku ku on the rest of the islands. Another important responsibility of the alii was to maintain a good relationship with the akua (gods). the highly coveted prostrating kapu called Pihenakalani. [5] The alii were believed to be descended from the deities.[6]. In your school? An equal opportunity/affirmative action institution. LINEAGE FROM THE RULING Hawaiian scholar Mary Pukui says they were, "chiefs of Pkano ", chiefs of unblemished bloodline from remote times. Older couples got married, so you cant estimate birth dates of the children from the Protestant marriage records. honor was reserved for the ali'i of Kauai only. Genealogy chants such as this one are revered in Hawaii as they affirm the connections between people and the land upon which they live. In ancient Hawaiian society, the alii were hereditary nobles (a social class or caste ). This is the first political task a new alii nui would perform. King Kahahana's descent It was in the books at theBishop Museum. Kalaniwaiakua Kekumanomanookekapu, the chiefess of Maui "whose head Unpublished Genealogies|Genealogies in Publications| Genealogies of Hawaiian Royalty| Genealogies by Island, The Hawaii State Archives has a number of Hawaiian genealogy books in their manuscripts collection that available online in their new Digital Archives of Hawaii website. Here, "Hawaii" refers to the island of Hawaii, also called "the Big Island". The histories that accompany the pedigrees give the context of time and place for the persons in the pedigrees. According to his mother's instructions, though contrary to the rules of etiquette observed by strangers or inferior visitors, instead of entering the courtyard by the gate, he leaped over the stockade, and instead of entering the mansion by the front door, he entered by the back door, and went straight up to where Liloa was relcining and set himself down in Liloa's lap. supporters of Kamehameha the Great and dedicated their lives to his rise to power. A childless couple could be given a child from another family to overcome the terribleness of having no children. was eventually discovered and involuntarily brought to live at Kamehameha's court For most people, there will be one point where it is possible one of your lines may be ali`i (royal or noble people). The mother of Umi was named Akahiakuleana, and though in humble life, she was a lineal descendant in the sixth generation from Kalahuimoku, the son of Kanipahu Alii Aimoku of Hawaii, with Hualani of the Nanaulu-Maweke line, and haft-brother to Kalapana, the direct ancestor of Liloa. 1819 European and American merchants and sea captains begin arriving in Hawaii.1814 Birth of Kauikeaouli (Kamehameha III). I do this so I can remember which film it was taken from. When parting from Akahiakuleana, Liloa gave her the ivory clasp (Palaoa) of his necklace, his feather wreath (Lei-hulu), and his Malo or loincloth, (One legend has it that, instead of the Lei, Liloa gave her his Laau-palau, a short instrument for cutting taro tops, a dagger) and told her that when the child was grown up, if it was a boy, to send him with these token to Waipio, and he would acknowledge him. I believe it is called The Sullivan Photographic Collection. (also called Ulumoku I and II) whose mother was the ali'i wahine Kalanikauiokikilo (Kalanikauiokikilo They are indexed by father, mother and child. The name Nani is short for Haunani, and my other name is Lovelee. She was his favorite wife, and had over 20 marriages. The old people are not pleased with the harsh things the young people are saying in Hawaiian when they learn it in school. It went back to the ancestor Kauauanui Amahi. Congregationalist ministers would make a note of the persons they thought would make good members of their church. The kuleana of the alii (Kekaulikeokalanikuihonoikamoku), King of Maui, through his son Kamehamehanui Ailuau, King of Maui, who was also the uncle and Landlord-Tenant Claims are heard at District Court. Kalawainui Kaluhikai, and the family of Queen Emma, we shall recapitulate their genealogy and include the names of alii who were not mentioned in the story. Hereditary line of Liloa is broken by the usurping rule of Alapainui. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. I went on the Internet and pulled them together. (lelo Noeau #1150). Go out and pull in a whole bunch of information and then try to connect the people into families by using places and dates. I have started working on the wife of the Burns line. Important exports are sugar, pineapple, macadamia nuts and coffee. Other ways to get photographs are to see if the Church History Dept of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Families sent their children to live with a family who had the interest of the children as a trade. Klaiina is a very critical job because the chief had to choose lesser chiefs that were loyal. [11] During the monarchy some of these chiefs were elevated to positions within the primary political bodies of the Hawaiian legislature and the king's Privy Council. With blood-quantum requirements to apply for Hawaiian Home Lands and documented proof of Native Hawaiian ancestry needed for admission to Kamehameha Schools, scholarships, and financial aid, Hawaiian families are trying their best to gather information and create their own genealogical charts. She, along with professional genealogist Ami Mulligan, led a series of genealogy workshops at the Waiwai Collective earlier this year. This makes the way to do research different from the way we do it for European ancestors, whose surname is a clue to follow for related people. You have to go with the sources.. He carried the "sacred slab of Liloa" to make a pavement of stones leading from the bank of the place called Kahiki-mai-aea to the narrow side door of the chief's residence. Kahalu`u is the ahupaua`a (place) where my grandmothers family lived. I ike ia n ke alii i ka nui o n makainana.A chief is known by his many followers. These connections help us better . An ahupaua`a is a smaller division within the district. They married each other in the last traditional pio (royal interfamily) marriage recorded in The anthropologists dont agree that Thor Hyerdahls theory of how the Polynesians migrated is true. In order to show the relationship of the Hidden Alii, Kalawainui Kaluhikai, and the family of Queen Emma, we shall recapitulate their genealogy and include the names of alii who were not mentioned in the story. Hawaiians find out Cook is not Lono and kill him at Kealakekua Bay, Kona, Hawaii. Once you have located a document, it can often be viewed, downloaded, and printed. The information provided here includes the book (volume), section, page, or case number of the original record. This is very similar to the relationship between an older and younger sibling. Legends make no mention of any wars or contentions having occurred during Liloa's long reign to disturb the tranquillity of Hawaii. The inhabited islands are: Hawaii, Maui, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, Kauai, Niihau. They establish the land a family owned. We want to note that, traditionally, the land and the ocean are inseparable and there are many coastal areas which are essential to Native Hawaiian To get photos of Hawaiian ancestors, there is a book in the Bishop Museum by a Mr. Sullivan. You have to familiarize yourself with the names and the connections between people. If we have a long name like Keli`ikulahala, we might cut it down to Keli`i. You have to start with a mess of stuff to organize. called by refusing him an audience when he came to pay his respects at her If your ancestors lived there, there is a chance a record was made with their name on it. I think that you cant dismiss anything, but when youre researching, you shouldnt have this specific goal in mind, says Mulligan, adding that you cant shove square sources into round holes. In 1840, Kamehameha III, Kauikeaouli, declared Hawaii a constitutional monarchy. has photos or journals of missionaries who served in the Hawaiian Islands in the early days of the Church. He signed documents in the 1850's. K i ka moku.Stands on the island.Said of a person who has become rulerhe stands on his district or island. As with researching ancestry for any other ethnicity, Hawaiian genealogy has its own sets of challenges, and determining adoptive relationships is one of the most complicated. See Step 5 for a pedigree chart and 2 family group records. On the record, I found a name Patero, which also means Peter, so it could be the same person. He was the son of King Kihanuilulumoku, 11th Alii Aimoku of Hawaii and Waoilea. They said, This isnt for you, or This isnt important for you to move forward and so Im not going to say anything. And all of these different reasons or personal family choices is why certain families dont have that information.. [11]:112[15], Social designations of noho alii (ruling line), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Alii&oldid=1116638669, This page was last edited on 17 October 2022, at 15:57. voluntarily disguised and substituted herself for Kalanikauiokikilo And I think that needs to be celebrated just as much as being able to claim an alii.. I checked off the films I looked at and noted information I found. Postal Service that people had to have a last name in order to receive mail. A new person paying the taxes on the land is the possible heir. Alexander Liholiho becomesKamehameha IV.1861 Death of King Kamehameha IV. An ahupua'a is a pie-shaped district, with the apex in the mountains and spreading out to the seashore. The common people (maka`ai na na) were only allowed to keep their genealogy for 3 generations. Keawepoepoe's son was the famous war leader Keeaumoku (Keeaumoku Papaiahiahi What to do when you have little information. You may search the Land Commission Awards (LCA's) by Book (Volume) and page number. the Hawaiian Islands. The Great Mahele, or Divison was a land redistribution act by King Kamehameha III and enacted in 1848. I can locate the films, or use them at the Library when I have time. I did the temple work for them in 1972. royal chiefs Kalaniulumoku I and Kalaniulumoku II My mother was Eliza Fetheran. a chiefess of higher rank than her own mother and was respectfully not offered to the new king. If you would like to cross-search multiple LCA documents, it is recommended to use the "Knowledge Well" database (link located on bottom of 'Hawai'i Land Documents' page). through his mother, the legendary chiefess Lonomaaikanaka, first A chart namesake of Kamehameha Paiea (born Hawaiians doing family history work need to know when different ethnic groups immigrated to Hawaii. 7. Appendices include genealogy charts. [2] As with researching ancestry for any other ethnicity, Hawaiian genealogy has its own sets of challenges, and determining adoptive relationships is one of the most complicated. The names were picturesque as well as unique, and they were in a special rhythm. The maka ai na na, or common people, are not as likely to be named in a genealogy. No names were duplicated in the chants. under his control, he created a unified Hawaiian Kingdom. individual islands were deposed. Understanding practices of the time also helps with knowing what to look for. Hnau ka ina, hnau ke alii, hnau ke kanaka. (lelo Noeau #1172). Finally, the ancestral lands passed on to Native Hawaiian descendants from our ali'i, the monarchy, and our kupuna are integral to the health and well-being of Native Hawaiians as a people. Her niece Keopualani and sister Keku'iapoiwanui Liliha fared better as the mother Ali'i Genealogy Charts of the Kekoolani Family King Kamehameha I (Kamehameha Paiea, Kamehameha Nui, Kamehameha the Great) conquered and subdued the people of all the islands in the late 1700's and early 1800's. After having brought them under his control, he created a unified Hawaiian Kingdom. Polo-ahi-lana (Pauhilani) CHARTS SHOWING The chart starts with Keawe II, King of Hawaii, and his wife, Lonomaikanaka just like the Queen's. Features House of Kamehameha, House of Kalakaua, and House of Kawananakoa. All rights reserved. genealogies as they relate to the Kekoolani family. In 1850,a law was made to report the birth of children. Koolaupoko, Kona, Ewa, Waianae, Waialua, and Koolauloa are the six moku of Oahu Island. That is how I got the information for my grandmothers mother, Makakehau. This would cover about ten percent of the population. 1528 Unverified discovery of Hawaiian Islands by Juan de Gaylan. If you click on any of the items below, you will be taken to the item's library record in OneSearch. by fire. Kalanipuu's line ends with the death of Kwala by Kamehameha's forces. It goes back to 1750. a generation later) . 1779 Hawaiians celebrating the Makahiki, believe Cook to be the god Lono. Under the alii ai moku were lesser chiefs known as kaukaualii. Looking at documentation through a lens of social and cultural practices of that time period also helps make sense of what you find. This will help you to look up the original record. The makainana were the caretakers and workers of the land. family members who survived the wars of conquest were brought to live in Kamehameha's Use of this site implies consent with our Usage Policy. Archaeological evidence shows that people probably arrived in Hawai'i between 800 and 1000 A.D. The climate destroys paper. This ancient ritual of Hawaii was believed to increase the They are in the archives under DOE. They were very sacred. In Be sure to keep a written note of the sources where your printouts and copies came from. The Regular System gives 'notice' that something is on record while the Land Court System functions as a registration for land ownership. Surprised at the sudden action, Liloa threw the young man on the ground, and, as he fell, discovered his Malo and his ivory clasp on the body of Umi. I think a lot of people get really angry towards their kpuna that they didnt record information, says Sarah Tamashiro, who has been a professional researcher since 2014. I come up with random lists of names with places of birth, marriage, or death. Unbroken line of rule to this point. Some of the places he went were Egypt, China, Japan, England, France and Germany. Thesheets in blue binders are my fathers fathers line. The Waihona `Aina Mahele Database is used to search for mahele and kuleana land claims by island, ahupua'a, claimant(s), and various other elements of the land, such as fish ponds, different kinds of plants, streams, burials, etc. They tried to keep the ali`i lines pure to acquire land and keep power. By caring for the makainana, the alii were caring for the ina. His father was named Mahi. My mothers cousin does a lot of genealogy. The story of Kalankauiokikilo ended sadly as her unending despair Genealogy of the ancient chiefs of Hawaii, including: an alphabetical list and individual index of Alii names; Family Charts; Rulers of the Islands; and Hawaiian Royalty Today. In some families, different children would take different parts of the name or take their own occupation as their name. I have an aunt who is 88. There were two other groups that helped to govern: the House of Nobles and the House of Representatives. iwiiapuu and iwilakee due to this unusual intertwined kapu. His dad, Michael Burns, came from England. Some Hawaiians also found it more prestigious during the 1920s and 30s to claim to be half Caucasian or half Chinese, even when the family was pure Hawaiian, and claim Caucasian-sounding names. Husband of Pineakalani / Pinea 1, Chiefess of Maui and Akahiakuleana High Chiefess of Waipio Akahi-a-Kuleana The makainana were free to choose which district to live in. It got to a chiefly line (ali`i). Forms are available for downloading on the Hawai'i State Judiciary website, can be picked up at district court locations on each island or purchased on diskette for $6. (lelo Noeau #1876). 1125-1155) Kukohou, 2 nd Alii Aimoku of Hawaii (ca. Once you have located a document, it can often be viewed, downloaded, and printed. The way they speak Hawaiian now is not soft like it used to be. Hawaiian Genealogy Indexes Hawaiian Genealogy Indexes Introduction Advanced search introduction Browse the Genealogy Indexes Marriages - Hawaii Island - 1832-1910 Marriages - Hawaii Island - 1911-1929 Marriages - Kauai Island - 1826-1910 Marriages - Kauai Island - 1910-1929 Marriages - Maui Island - 1842-1910 Marriages - Maui Island - 1911-1929 4. chart also shows descent from his grandson, Keawemauhili whose For instance, prior to 1860, when the Hawaiian kingdom passed the surname law, Hawaiians used singular names. I printed it out. chiefess Kalanikaukiokikilo remained remote and aloof, confident in her own I learned that all of my Hawaiian ancestors lived in the same place. Ancient Hawaiians were a people without writing who preserved their history in chants and legends. I also did that for Hawaii. Native Hawaiian population has declined from 300,000 in 1778 to 50,000.1873William C. Lunalilio is elected as the first Hawaiian Monarch.1874 Lunalilio dies and David Kalakaua is elected to be the Hawaiian Monarch.1875 Arrival of Portuguese immigrants in Hawaii.1881 Arrival of Norwegian and German immigrants in Hawaii.1883 Coronation of King Kalakaua and Queen Kapiolani.1891 King David Kalakaua dies and Liliuokalani is elected to be the Hawaiian Monarch.1893The government is overthrown and a Provisional Government is established.1900 Arrival of Okinawan and Puerto Rican immigrants in Hawaii.1901 Hawaiian territorial government formally established. A chart The place is important. These three brothers were the earliest champions and This page has been viewed 12,793 times (0 via redirect). Grandmass dad was Pekelo, which means Peter. They burn the heiau and idols and abolish the kapu system.1820 Joseph Smiths first vision. The nui title could be passed on by right of birth. Resources on current land court records are also listed on this page. In Hawaiian research, the name of the island is critical. If you knew an alii, how would you show your respect? Kamehameha Paiea's biological father was Kahekili, 808-956-7214 (Reference) The Solomon Islanders mixed in with the Fijians. [8] Alii continued to play a role in the governance of the Hawaiian islands until 1893, when Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown by a coup d'tat backed by the United States government. Nevertheless, the Hawaiians believe they are related to the American Indians, and that the American Indians are related to the Hebrews. caused her to take her own We can take any marriage record with a place recorded on it. B. Featheran, Jr. is from the Gilbert Islands, the island of Kiribati. Make ke hao can mean eyes lookbut it can also mean hearts Desire.There is an image for each name. Lineage (from King Kahahana). In 1842, some people began to keep written Hawaiian language records, and many of these genealogies were recorded. Pili, 1 st Alii Aimoku of Hawaii (ca. Almost 7 million people visited in 2000. Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close, For Kelis Kaleopaa, Surfing Waikk Means Being a Servant of the Sea, Redirecting the Lens: Meet Filmmaker Scott W. Kekama, In Collaboration with Creative Industries Division, A Hawaii Island Practitioner Is Weaving New Legacies, Recalling Hawaiian Place Names, an Act of Honor and Resistance, In Hawaiis Forests, Silence Signals Threats to Hawaiian Honeycreepers, At EP Bar and Nami Kaze, Vintage Charms Abound, At The Plantation Inn, Mauis Sun-Drenched Charm Abounds, How the Nostalgic Ritual of Merienda Satiated My Inner Child, He Kaua Kuanaike Kia: E K Ana ma n Llani Mua Loa me Kalehua Krug, To Stop Anti-Asian Violence, We Must Address the Long Legacy of US Imperialism, The Pandemic Diaries: Hawaii Writers Reflect on Covid-19, Inside Konas Manago Hotel, Where Time Stands Still. Kalika EnYuck Wong as part of her Hawaiian Studies Plan B thesis Waialua and... 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